====== Linux ====== ==== Installation ==== * [[public_v6:qt-installation_auf_ubuntu|Installation von QT auf Ubuntu]] * [[public_v6:virtualbox|VirtualBox GuestAdditions, usw.]] * [[public_v6:besonderheiten_debian_ubuntu|Tipps für Ubuntu]] * [[public_v6:Ubuntu auf dem Beagle Board]] * [[public_v6:openSUSE]] ==== Netzwerk ==== * [[linux:network_namespaces|Network Namespaces]] * [[public_v6:ubuntu_als_ipv6-ayiya-tunnelgateway|Ubuntu als IPv6-AYIYA-Tunnelgateway]] * [[public_v6:ubuntu|Ubuntu IPv6 manuell konfigurieren]] * [[public_v6:miredo_server_konfiguration_ubuntu|Miredo-Server Konfiguration unter Ubuntu]] Command line ifconfig problems - Not detecting all NICs ifconfig -a ==== Linux Device Treiber ==== * http://tjworld.net/books/ldd3/#ModuleParameters ==== Datei-Berechtigungen ==== * https://major.io/2007/02/13/chmod-and-the-mysterious-first-octet/ ==== Script beim Booten des Systems ausführen ==== *https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12973777/how-to-run-a-shell-script-at-startup ==== Nutzerverwaltung ==== === Nutzer anlegen und SSH-Key konfigurieren: === sudo useradd # Password eingeben mkdir .ssh # sftp pubkey in 'authorized_keys' sudo chown -R : ~/.ssh sudo chmod 700 .ssh && chmod 600 .ssh/* visudo # add to admins # ggf. eintragen in /etc/ssh/sshd_config === Account sperren (Konto abgelaufen) === * # disallow peter from logging in sudo usermod --expiredate 1 peter * [[https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/570224/whats-the-difference-between-locking-and-expiring-a-user-account|Difference between locking and expiring a user account]] === Kontosperre aufheben === * # set expiration date of peter to Never sudo usermod --expiredate "" peter === Kontosperren konfigurieren und überprüfen === * **Set expiration date:** * sudo chage -E 2022-12-01 * **View account expiration date:** * sudo chage -l === Non-login User anlegen === * [[https://superuser.com/questions/77617/how-can-i-create-a-non-login-user|How to create a non-login user]] * sudo useradd --system --shell /bin/false username * [[https://www.howtogeek.com/116757/8-ways-to-tweak-and-configure-sudo-on-ubuntu/|Tweak and configure sudo on Ubuntu]] ==== Real-Time Linux ==== * https://wiki.linuxfoundation.org/realtime/start * https://rt.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Main_Page * http://www.frank-durr.de/?p=203 * http://www.machinekit.io/docs/getting-started/install-rt-kernel-RPi2/ * https://www.elektronikpraxis.vogel.de/echtzeit-mit-dem-raspberry-pi-a-630497/ ==== Kernelmodul ==== * http://derekmolloy.ie/writing-a-linux-kernel-module-part-1-introduction/ * https://www.paulkiddie.com/2009/10/creating-a-hello-world-kernel-module-in-linux/ * http://tldp.org/LDP/lkmpg/2.6/html/index.html (ist relativ alt!)